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Paladino | Feb 8, 2021

Six lessons learned from our first Fitwel Viral Response Module certification

The Fitwel Viral Response Module is one of several frameworks that real estate owners and operators can use to obtain third-party certification for their efforts ensuring their properties are ready for a safer and healthier return to work.

Paladino | Jan 14, 2021

Shift your energy to carbon

Now is the right and necessary time for the commercial real estate industry to shift its environmental strategy from just energy, a carbon contributor, to carbon itself.

Paladino | Nov 13, 2020

5 tips when designing for daylight

Daylight modeling is a tool to examine how daylight interacts with a building, and how that natural light behaves within interior spaces.

Paladino | Jul 16, 2020

COVID readiness: IWBI and USGBC seek to help businesses quantify risk

In an effort to address the risks of COVID-19 at the building scale, USGBC and IWBI have analyzed existing certification guidelines and drafted new, relevant content.

Paladino | Jun 29, 2020

The glass box paradox

Glass box designs have an energy performance problem.

Paladino | Jun 5, 2020

3 strategies to improve the wellness of building systems and gain tenant trust

Three operational issues that must be prioritized for every building in order to achieve tenant trust are air quality/ventilation, relative humidity, and building commissioning.

Paladino | Apr 1, 2020

Green cleaning and the coronavirus

If your cleaning teams use bleach to disinfect buildings from Coronavirus, will you put your LEED certification at risk?

Paladino | Jan 3, 2020

Fitwel reveals unexpected strategies to improve occupant wellness

Wellness is identified as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life.

Paladino | Apr 17, 2019

Multifamily real estate trends for 2019 and beyond

Boomers are on the move and Millennials are seeing upward mobility, but issues with affordability and housing product mix persist.

Paladino | Mar 7, 2019

Building for resilience - All about RELi

Sustainable design strategies create more resilient buildings. However, only truly focused purposeful resilient design strategies will create the adaptation needed.


Paladino and Company is a sustainability consulting firm that works with organizations seeking to make a difference through their buildings and people. Abundance, written by our team of architects, engineers, building scientists, commissioning agents and business analysts, reflects our rigorous business and building technical analysis centered on the concept of abundance as a driving force for change. Our consultants offer insights, expertise and vision on sustainability and how to realize its business value. For more, visit www.paladinoandco.com/blog. Follow on LinkedIn and Twitter
