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NAC Architecture | Aug 22, 2019

Holistic wellness: What we can learn from Native American healthcare practices

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NAC Architecture | Dec 7, 2018

Planning and constructing a hybrid operating room: Lessons learned

A Hybrid operating room (OR) is an OR that is outfitted with advanced imaging equipment that allows surgeons, radiologists, and other providers to use real-time images for guidance and assessment while performing complex surgeries.

NAC Architecture | Nov 7, 2018

Designing environments for memory care residents

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NAC Architecture | Oct 8, 2018

One size doesn't fit all: Student housing is not a pair of socks

While the programming and design for these buildings all kept a holistic living/learning experience at the core, they also had amazingly different outcomes.

NAC Architecture | Sep 12, 2018

Security vs. 21st century learning: We shouldn’t have to choose

In order to effectively talk about school design, we need to start by understanding what a school is designed to do. 

NAC Architecture | Jul 6, 2018

Building for growth: Supporting gender-specific needs in middle school design

Today, efforts toward equity in education encompass a wide spectrum of considerations including sex, gender identity, socio-economic background, and ethnicity to name a few.

NAC Architecture | May 29, 2018

Will telemedicine change the face of healthcare architecture?

Telemedicine is a broad term that covers many aspects and mediums of care, but primarily it refers to the use of video monitors to allow a virtual face to face consultation to take place.

NAC Architecture | Mar 23, 2018

An introvert's oasis: How to create learning environments for all student types

In order to understand why a school day can be so grueling for an introverted student, it’s important to know what it means to be introverted, writes NAC Architecture’s Emily Spiller.

NAC Architecture | Oct 31, 2017

Exploring empathy in architecture: Put yourself in your student’s shoes

People are enigmatic and inherently complex, which can make it difficult to design for a larger population.

NAC Architecture | Oct 3, 2017

The growing demand for early childhood education

When the design of early learning centers is grounded in the science of developmental psychology and education, these educational environments can address multiple domains of development that positively stimulate young children's physical and cognitive growth.

NAC Architecture

NAC Architecture is an award-winning design firm, with over 170 professionals and a track record spanning more than half a century. We are thought leaders, yet our legacy of listening and learning remains constant. The NACLab, NAC Architecture’s blog, features thoughts and lessons related to current issues. Authored by our established and emerging thought leaders, the purpose of the blog is to invite conversation and constructive reflection on the cultural and material complexities of design. Follow us on Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube
