
Reconsidering construction robotics

After decades when experts predicted that robots would become more prevalent on construction sites, it would appear that the industry has finally reached that point where necessity, aspiration, and investment are colliding. 


BD+C Blog

The BD+C Blog serves as the primary platform for BD+C's editorial team to opine about all things related to the AEC market, from the latest design tools to green building trends. Building Team Bloggers include Robert Cassidy, Executive Editor (rcassidy@sgcmail.com), David Barista, Editorial Director (dbarista@sgcmail.com), John Caulfield, Senior Editor (jcaulfield@sgcmail.com), and David Malone, Managing Editor (dmalone@sgcmail.com).

Rob Cassidy | Jan 2, 2013

We're looking for a few great technical advisors

The editors of BD+C are looking for highly qualified experts to advise us on technical issues…
Rob Cassidy | Dec 21, 2012

Happy holidays, dear readers! A little verse (very little, in fact) for the season

Dear reader, it’s that time of year To thank our friends, and wish good cheer To everyone who gets…
Rob Cassidy | Dec 13, 2012

6 questions you and your firm should be thinking about

We just finished work on an excellent article on "8 Trends Shaping Today's Senior Housing," which…
Rob Cassidy | Dec 9, 2012

It’s nice to talk about service, but what are you doing about it?

Who’s the most important person in your firm? The biggest stockholder? The tree-shaker who brings…
Rob Cassidy | Dec 3, 2012

Doing net-zero? You gotta get this book

We don't push books much in BD+C, but I just received one that I do want to recommend to any…
Rob Cassidy | Nov 29, 2012

Ecobuild panel in DC on "Reconstructed Buildings"

Join me at Ecobuild on Wed., Dec 5, 10:15 to 11:45, at the DC Convention Center, to learn about "…
Rob Cassidy | Nov 12, 2012

Have colleges/universities gone too far with "quality of life" buildings?

We'd like your input - recent projects, photo/s, renderings, and expert insight - on an important…
Rob Cassidy | Nov 11, 2012

Has interest in LEED really fallen off or has it been ‘transformed’?

First, the good news: Nearly two-thirds of executives at real estate companies and corporations (64…
Rob Cassidy | Oct 15, 2012

Got a 'Great Solution'? Send it in to BD+C

This request for information is no longer open. We're doing another "Great Solutions"…
Rob Cassidy | Oct 4, 2012

Please don’t read this if you have a weak stomach

The American Institute of Architects has issued its triennial Survey Report of Firm Characteristics…