
Building Materials and Equipment

Covestro Waterborne Polyurethane Floor Coating Technology Aids in Beautiful Design and Sustainable Future at the Energy Innovation Center

Formerly known as the Connelley Technical Institute, the 80 year old Historic Landmark that is situated in the Hill District neighborhood of…

Studio Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: Covestro
Building Materials and Equipment

Polyaspartic Coating Technology Hits a Home Run at Florida Baseball Facility

Champion Stadium – Spring Training Facility of the Atlanta Braves – at Wide World of Sports Disney World was in trouble. Water was seeping through…

Studio Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: Covestro
Building Materials and Equipment

Polyaspartics Provide Polished Look and Lasting Durability for Residential Garage

Architects and construction professionals in the commercial and residential markets seek durable yet beautiful coatings to protect concrete floors.…

Studio Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: Covestro
Building Materials and Equipment

Sustainable Polyurethane Coating Provides the Look of Marble on a Concrete Budget

The project team of Ave Maria University personnel, architect Cannon Design of Grand Island, New York, and construction manager Suffolk/Kraft of…

Studio Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: Covestro
Building Technology

Case Study: A Polyaspartic Coating Made a Commercial Bakery Floor Look Really Sweet

The Springhouse Country Market and Restaurant has been a local icon for over 40 years. The commercial bakery floor had been covered for years with a…

Studio Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: Covestro
Moisture Solutions

Architectural Coatings Technology Targeted At Stricter Hospital Infection Protocols

For the hospital administrator who is concerned with meeting the newer CDC (Center for Disease Control) and TJC (The Joint Commission) protocols…

Studio Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: Covestro
Building Materials and Equipment

Decorative yet Functional Floor Coating Technologies

The Energy Innovation Center’s approximately 80-year-old concrete floor had significant divots and was badly spalled and cracked. The concrete floor…

Studio Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: Covestro

Covestro Studio

Architects, engineers and contractors rely on materials for buildings that are durable, energy efficient, and also attractive and comfortable for end-users. Covestro LLC is a proven supplier of high-performance raw materials for coatings, adhesives and sealants for the built environment. Covestro’s wide range of products meet the market’s material needs for sustainability, resiliency and aesthetics.