Not a single construction project in Boston over the past four years has met all the rules intended to diversify the construction industry and increase the number of city residents working on construction sites, according to a report in the Boston Globe.
The Boston Residents Jobs Policy, a city ordinance, requires 51% of work hours on a project go to Boston residents. It also mandates that 40% of work hours go to workers of color, and 12% of work hours go to women. The rules apply to any private development over 50,000 sf and any public project.
Some projects did meet some of the requirements, the Globe reported. Nine exceeded the threshold for women’s work hours; 48 met or exceeded the requirement of 40% of working hours going to workers of color. Just one had more than 51% of working hours for city residents.
Only three companies were fined for violating the policy by a commission with oversight of the ordinance. The companies were fined for failing to submit payroll records in a timely manner, not for violating hiring goals.
The Globe reported that the commission is reluctant to fine companies for not meeting hiring goals for fear of prompting lawsuits that could nullify the ordinance.
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