"The Competition," a new documentary produced by Angel Borrego Cuberto of Madrid, focuses on the efforts of five 'starchitects' to capture the design contract for the new National Museum of Art of Andorra: a small country in the Pyrenees between Spain and France.
Architects whose efforts are highlighted include Frank Gehry, Jean Nouvel, Zaha Hadid, Dominique Perrault and Norman Foster. Cuberto, himself an architect, created the film with his company, Office for Strategic Spaces, during 2009. Competing architects gave him varying degrees of access, as part of the Andorran client's requirements. Cubero reportedly got the idea for the film from his own firm's efforts to win a similar competition a few years earlier.A trailer has been released, but final editing is still under way. The actual Andorran project remains unbuilt.
The trailer:
A release date later in 2013 is projected by OSS.
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