Centerbrook Architects has installed the largest corporate solar energy project in Connecticut at its office. A rooftop on Centerbrook’s office has been turned into a mini electric power plant, with 100 solar
photovoltaic (PV) panels converting sunlight directly into non-polluting electricity.
“Centerbrook’s solar energy project is a wonderful example of business leadership in clean energy,” said Charlie
Moret, Marketing and Communications, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund. “We expect to see an increasing number
of businesses embracing solar energy as they learn about the benefits that solar photovoltaic technology provides.”
The 16.5 Kilowatt system requires no storage batteries. It is connected directly to the CL&P power grid and
reduces the amount of electricity purchased. It is expected to provide 20,600 Kilowatt hours of electricity
annually, approximately 10% of the building’s electrical needs. This is the equivalent of reducing emissions of
34 pounds of nitrogen oxides, 85 pounds of sulfur dioxide, and 20,183 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.
The project was made possible through the support of the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF). For
information about CCEF please visit Centerbrook is also taking advantage of the Federal
Government’s 2006 tax credits as provided in the National Energy Plan signed into law by President Bush in
August 2005. For information about the National Energy Plan please visit
Together these subsidies will pay for 67% of the total construction cost of the project.
“Centerbrook is proud to be part of this energy-saving program and we are excited to use our own building as a
laboratory for environmentally sustainable design,” said William H. Grover, FAIA of Centerbrook Architects.
“We hope our solar energy project will serve as an example to businesses everywhere that solar energy is a viable
energy source.”
Centerbrook Office a Laboratory for Green Architecture
Centerbrook’s new solar energy system joins many
other “green” installations at Centerbrook’s 20,000-square-foot office. The firm has practiced innov