WTTW Chicago, in partnership with the Society of Architectural Historians, has produced "10 Builidngs That Changed America," a TV show set to air May 12 on PBS. Hosted by Geoff Baer, the program looks at important structures ranging from Thomas Jefferson's Virginia statehouse (1788) to the Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry (2003).
Baer explores how the buildings changed America's ideas about architecture. The full list:
- Virginia state capitol, Richmond. Thomas Jefferson, 1788.
- Trinity Church, Boston. H.H. Richardson, 1877.
- Wainwright Building, St. Louis. Louis Sullivan, 1891.
- Robie House, Chicago. Frank Lloyd Wright, 1910.
- Highland Park Ford Plant, Highland Park, Michigan. Albert Kahn, 1910.
- Southdale Center, Edina, Minnesota. Victor Gruen, 1956.
- Seagram Building, New York. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, 1958.
- Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia. Eero Saarinen, 1962.
- Vanna Venturi House, Philadelphia. Robert Venturi, 1964.
- Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles. Frank Gehry, 2003.
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