
Metals | Cary Barger | Nov 5, 2015

Metal building maintenance is essential

Inspect, repair damages, and clean the building

Multifamily Housing | Oct 15, 2015

Apartment takes progressive turn in architecturally traditional D.C.

The new Lyric 440K Apartments is a 14-story structure housing 234 one- and two-bedroom units in the heart of D.C.'s up-and-coming Mount Vernon Triangle

Metals | Oct 13, 2015

Texas church building modernizes with metal wall panels

The church's pastor felt it was important to reconstruct their facility and update their image to appeal to up and coming generations.

Metals | Jeff Koos | Oct 9, 2015

How to identify a metal building

The metal buildings of yesteryear were drab and largely windowless. Now, an application that depends on big, beautiful windows can have everything it needs in a metal building system.

Coatings | Jeff Alexander | Sep 25, 2015

Comfort and energy efficiency with cool metal roofs

Energy-efficient metal roofs, with cool coatings are at the forefront of innovation, helping to increase the efficiency of the building envelope. 

Religious Facilities | Sep 25, 2015

Where Construction Meets Religion

The beliefs of the congregation required specific compass-orientations for certain rooms

Metals | Sep 22, 2015

ALPOLIC® Makes the Impossible Possible: Ryerson University Student Learning Centre

It’s said that Ryerson University can be found at the intersection of Mind and Action. Ryerson’s new Student Learning Centre can certainly be found there, although the actual street address is the intersection of Yonge and Gould, in the busy heart of Toronto, one of the world’s most vibrant and diverse cities.

Metals | Cary Barger | Sep 8, 2015

Single Sourcing - A Metal Building Creates Peace of Mind

Building owners worry that a problem will occur and no responsible party will fix it. This is when your choice of builder matters.

Metals | Aug 7, 2015

Metal Building Helps Family Business

The new dealerships, consisting of two metal buildings, have made a difference to the community as a whole

Metals | Allen Hurtz | Aug 6, 2015

How metal building systems work

In a contemporary metal building system, the size and shape can be just about whatever the project "wants." 
