In Durham, North Carolina, Laurel Street Residential planned the build of two Type III multifamily units that stood six stories high. Ian Shelton, a project manager for Neighboring Concepts, partnered with Progress Carolina and UFP Construction to frame the structure with ProWood FR fire-retardant wall assemblies. Ian spoke to the goals that were set for this project:
“The 300 East Main affordable housing project is a collaborative effort between the development team and Durham County to provide affordable living in the heart of downtown Durham... In addition to residential units, the ground floor of the housing component includes indoor and outdoor amenities as well as provisions for a future childcare space intended to serve the local community…”

Why ProWood FR?
ProWood FR fire-retardant treated products for Type III construction projects are an affordable option compared to other noncombustible materials, benefiting the economy in the area. Ian Shelton noted, “Type III construction allowed us to maximize the number of housing units on a tight urban site while meeting the projects budget constraints [and it] met the non-combustibility requirements of the building code for Type III construction while providing a more cost-effective alternative to metal stud framing.”
ProWood FR products are highly acclaimed in the industry, having received several awards, including Building Design + Construction Top Products. These reliable products are widely available and backed by a 50-year warranty. As detailed in the ICC Evaluation Services, Inc. ESR-4373, ProWood FR products meet all major model building code requirements. Additionally, they are UL-Classified with an FR-S Rating, ensuring flame spread and smoke development values of 25 or less.

ProWood FR Product Offering
These pre-cut blocks are used to support the installation of interior cabinets, vanities, shelving, grab rails, trim and more. And because they’re made from ProWood FR pressure-treated dimensional lumber, the holding strength is much greater than plywood.
ProWood FR fire-retardant-treated wood has a Class A Flame Spread Index of 25 or less, the best rating for fire-retardant building products. Flame spread rating was achieved through the ASTM E84 30-minute test. ProWood FR pressure-treated lumber and plywood have also been tested by independent accredited laboratories, following industry standards ASTM D5564 and ASTM D5516, to develop strength design factors for various use conditions.

ASTM E119 Tested, the 1-hour wall assembly is load bearing rated from one side (interior side only). For details refer to ESR Report 4373.
The code-compliant ProWood FR V343 2-hour wall assembly is manufactured under the independent third-party inspection of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), the largest and oldest independent testing laboratory in the United States. This wall assembly is fully code-compliant and meets the highest available standard, carrying UL’s FR-S designation.
The use of ProWood FR fire-retardant treated products in the construction of the two 6-story multifamily units in Durham, North Carolina, has proven to be a strategic and beneficial choice for Laurel Street Residential and its partners. By opting for ProWood FR, the project successfully met the stringent fire safety requirements while remaining within budget constraints, thereby maximizing the number of affordable housing units in a densely populated urban area. The collaboration between the project team and Durham County has resulted in a housing initiative that not only addresses the need for affordable living spaces but also provides valuable community amenities, ensuring a positive and lasting impact on downtown Durham.
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