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Torrance Memorial Medical Center’s pediatric burn patients create their version of new Patient Tower using Legos

Torrance Memorial Medical Center’s pediatric burn patients create their version of new Patient Tower using Legos

McCarthy workers joined the patients, donning construction gear and hard hats, to help with their building efforts.

By Posted by Tim Gregorski, Senior Editor | May 29, 2012
The event took place in view of the project site where construction of the medic
The event took place in view of the project site where construction of the medical centers 398,350-sf patient tower is underway

Pediatric Burn Unit patients at Torrance Memorial Medical Center recently teamed with workers from McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. to create mini renditions of the new hospital Patient Tower using Legos, and to mark the tower’s final concrete pour.

The event took place in view of the project site where construction of the medical center’s 398,350-sf patient tower is underway.

Among the patients participating was 5-year-old Robert Jones, who has been undergoing treatment for burn injuries at Torrance Memorial Medical Center. A former burn patient, Litzy Santos, 6, and her sister Karime also participated in the mini building project.

McCarthy workers joined the patients, donning construction gear and hard hats, to help with their building efforts. The workers invited the patients to give the command via two-way radio to complete the final concrete pour on the seventh-story deck—the top level of the new Patient Tower. McCarthy donated several sets of Legos to the Pediatric Unit to help keep young patients entertained during their hospitalization.

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. is serving as general contractor for the $450 million Patient Tower project which is more than half-way finished.  At its peak, there will be approximately 500 construction workers on site. The new hospital, which will replace Torrance Memorial’s original tower built in 1971, will feature the latest medical technologies, more beds and space and a modernized design. The seven-level Patient Tower will house 256 private rooms, 18 surgical and interventional treatment rooms as well as a basement with a central utility plant and a tunnel connecting the existing hospital to the new facility. The Burn Unit will relocate to the new Patient Tower once the new tower opens in spring 2015. +

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