
Reconsidering construction robotics

After decades when experts predicted that robots would become more prevalent on construction sites, it would appear that the industry has finally reached that point where necessity, aspiration, and investment are colliding. 

John Caulfield | Dec 22, 2014

What Building Teams can learn from home builders' travails

Commercial and residential construction can be as different as night and day. But as one who covered the housing industry for nearly a decade, I firmly believe AEC firms can learn some valuable lessons from the trials and tribulations that home builders experienced during the Great Recession, writes BD+C's John Caulfield.

John Caulfield

Senior Editor
Building Design+Construction

John Caulfield has been a business journalist for more than 30 years. Most recently, he was senior editor for BUILDER magazine, covering news and business trend in the residential housing sector. Previously, Caulfield was Executive Editor for HOME CHANNEL NEWS, which covers the retail home-improvement and building supply markets. Caulfield holds a Master's degree in Journalism from Marquette University and a Bachelor's degree in English Literature from Boston College. He can be reached at jcaulfield@sgcmail.com.
