March 2014
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AEC Tech
4 ways AI impacts building design beyond dramatic imagery
Kristen Forward, Design Technology Futures Leader, NBBJ, shows four ways the firm is using AI to generate value for its clients.
Digital Twin
Digital twins: Transforming operations for greater efficiency
While efforts to improve building efficiency have been iterative, recent advancements have significantly enhanced the interaction between facility managers, building owners, and their facilities.
Affordable Housing
The future of affordable housing may be modular, AI-driven, and made of mushrooms
Demolished in 1989, The Phoenix Ironworks Steel Factory left a five-acre hole in West Oakland, Calif. After sitting vacant for nearly three decades, the site will soon become utilized again in the form of 316 affordable housing units.
Great Solutions
41 Great Solutions for architects, engineers, and contractors
AI ChatBots, ambient computing, floating MRIs, low-carbon cement, sunshine on demand, next-generation top-down construction. These and 35 other innovations make up our 2024 Great Solutions Report, which highlights fresh ideas and innovations from leading architecture, engineering, and construction firms.