Los Angeles County’s Board of Supervisors voted for a plan to improve stormwater capture with a goal of capturing it for local reuse.
The plan aims to increase the local water supply by 580,000 acre-feet per year by 2045. The county will use this volume of water to supplant water imported from other regions so that 80% of the water supply will be sourced locally.
Water supply from other regions has become less reliable due to climate change and water scarcity. The plan could increase the local supply by about 162 billion gallons and service 5 million more people.
The plan addresses long-standing droughts in the county including a severe drought in 2012 to 2016 and another drought in 2021 to 2022.
The plan contains 14 strategies to increase stormwater capture and local water supply by 2045, including reducing water usage, improving drought preparedness and messaging, leveraging groundwater storage potential, making pumping and treating groundwater more cost-effective, and managing invasive species and wildfires that impact water supply and water quality.