
Industrial Facilities

8 ways to cool a factory

Whichever way you look at it—from a workplace wellness point of view or from a competing for talent angle—there are good reasons to explore options for climate control in the factory workplace.

Aug 11, 2010

U.S. Conference of Mayors, U.S. Green Building Council urge Congress to support Green Schools Legislation

June 19, 2009 (Washington, DC) – The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and U.S. Conference of…
Aug 11, 2010

Data center construction costs are down, according to a study by Environmental Systems Design

The current economic crisis has an up-side for owners of mission-critical facilities: On average, it costs less today to construct a new data center than it did in late 2007, according to a study by Environmental Systems Design (ESD). ESD found that the prices of feeder and cable have dropped by more than half, major data center equipment by 12%, labor and materials by 19.6%, and shipping and handling by 15% from the fourth quarter of 2007 to July 15, 2009.
Aug 11, 2010

USGBC’s Greenbuild 2009 brings global ideas to local main streets

Save the planet with indigenous knowledge. Make permanent water part of your life. Dive deep water for clues to environmental success.  Connect site selection to successful creative concepting. Explore the unknown with Discovery Channel’s best known guide. These are but a few of the big ideas participants can connect to at USGBC’s Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, taking place on November 11-13, 2009 in Phoenix, Ariz.
Aug 11, 2010

Johnson Controls announces program to help customers reduce chiller energy costs by up to 40%

Johnson Controls Inc., the global multi-industrial leader in providing energy efficiency solutions, is launching a new program to help owners of YORK® centrifugal chillers reduce chiller energy use by up to 40 percent.  The program encourages facility managers to install variable-speed drive (VSD) technologies and identifies rebates and other financial incentives to assist with the payback.
Aug 11, 2010

USGBC requires buildings seeking LEED to provide performance data on energy and water usage as precondition of certification

June 25, 2009 (Washington, DC) - As part of LEED v3, the latest version of the U.S. Green Building…
Aug 11, 2010

10 tips for mitigating influenza in buildings

Adopting simple, common-sense measures and proper maintenance protocols can help mitigate the spread of influenza in buildings. In addition, there are system upgrades that can be performed to further mitigate risks. Trane Commercial Systems offers 10 tips to consider during the cold and flu season.
Aug 11, 2010

Environmental Systems Design (ESD) wins 3 ASHRAE awards for technology innovation

CHICAGO, IL — June 9, 2009 – Environmental Systems Design (ESD) was the recipient of three…
Aug 11, 2010

NAVFAC releases guidelines for sustainable reconstruction of Navy facilities

The guidelines provide specific guidance for installation commanders, assessment teams, estimators, programmers and building designers for identifying the sustainable opportunities, synergies, strategies, features and benefits for improving installations following a disaster instead of simply repairing or replacing them as they were prior to the disaster.
Aug 11, 2010

Building Systems commissioning and retro-commissioning training program: Chicago, September 23, 2009

Building Systems: Commissioning and Retro-commissioning Presenter: Rebecca Ellis, P.E., LEED AP…
Aug 11, 2010

ASHRAE issues correction on changes to addendum r to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 on ventilation for IAQ

Earlier today, ASHRAE distributed a news release, ASHRAE Proposes Mechanical Ventilation…