
Computers are hard

Sure – computers today look nicer, the experience using them has improved, and we can do exponentially more with them following Moore’s law. But my central observation remains: computers are still hard to use.

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Interoperability for the building industry – More wicked problems

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The wicked problem of interoperability

Building professionals are often put in a situation where solving problems with the ‘best tool for the job’ comes at the cost of not being able to fully leverage data downstream without limitation, writes Proving Ground's Nathan Miller.

Nathan Miller

Proving Ground

Nathan Miller is the Founder of Proving Ground (https://provingground.io/), an AEC consulting practice that creates data-driven building processes that increase productivity, provide certainty, and enhance the human experience. As strategic advisers, the firm works with business leaders to define strategic plans focused on innovation with data. As educators, they teach your staff new skills by facilitating classroom-style workshops in advanced technology. As project consultants, they work with teams to develop custom tools and implement streamlined workflows.
